After a couple long, hard days at work it was such a pleasure to get home Wednesday evening and find that a parcel had arrived through the door from The Essential One, a fabulous company that specialises in all the essential clothing you need in baby's first year. They sent me a bundle of products to add to my hospital bag; I have only just been getting my bag ready, so this was impeccable timing!
The first thing I noticed when I opened the parcel was how lovely the packaging was. The clothes all came inside a bespoke cotton drawstring bag which was simply wrapped in tissue paper. I like how they used minimal packaging. The drawstring bag can be used over again and the tissue paper is recyclable, so I didn't feel like there was any wasteful packaging. The bag itself is also so cute! I will definitely be using it in the future to carry spare clothes in the changing bag.
The products in the bag were all super adorable too and what came across immediately was the quality. It's hard to portray in images how nice the fabric is, but trust me on this: it's amazingly soft and very high quality. The clothes are all 100% fully combed, soft handle cotton and it shows.
Baby grows
In the bag came 2 vests, 2 baby grows, a baby hat and a pair of scratch mittens. All of these are going straight in the hospital bag and I expect I will use them all within the first few days that baby is here. The colours of the items sent to me are very neutral but The Essential One also have boy and girl colours. I do like the neutrals though, and the yellows and beiges are really nice (again - hard to portray this in the photos).
I was so pleased with the quality of these clothes compared to others I have bought in the high street shops. After looking through the brochure I was also impressed with how reasonable their prices are too - so impressed, in fact, that I went straight online and put through an order for some of their adorable baby blankets!
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